3 Passive Income Ideas

Kevin Rasmusson
8 min readJun 8, 2021

The banner of this article displays somebody relaxing, not working, but still having money coming in — passive income. Income that doesn’t require work-input. It is also often referred to as “Making money while you sleep.” Warren Buffet said:

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” — Warren Buffet

However, passive income is not all sunshine and rainbows. Building income streams that will constantly pay you, no matter if you keep working or not, requires huge upfront sacrifices. Building the income stream often takes up to twelve months or longer, often without yielding any dividends in the first year. This is often discouraging (understandably), resulting in people giving up their dreams of passive income.

Consequently, in this article I will aim to give some projection of how long it will take before you can start seeing results for each idea I present. I hope you find some golden nugget of value in this article!

1. Content (6–12 months)

Gary Vaynerchuk, @garyvee in most social media, needs no introduction. If you don’t know who he is, I highly recommend you follow him (and…



Kevin Rasmusson

Independent business owner focused on web development. Write tutorial articles on tech, general life reflections & entrepreneurship.